何昌华, 罗欢乐, 尹飞飞, 韩谦, 梁磊, 师永霞, 于学东, 孙毅, 刘起勇, 王环宇, 王荣, 单超, 邓菲, 袁志明, 夏菡
Expert consensus on the biosafety recommendation for arthropods of medical importance in field and laboratory
HE Changhua, LUO Huanle, YIN Feifei, HAN Qian, LIANG Lei, SHI Yongxia, YU Xuedong, SUN Yi, LIU Qiyong, WANG Huanyu, WANG Rong, SHAN Chao, DENG Fei, YUAN Zhiming, XIA Han
中国热带医学 . 2024, (2): 119 -125 .  DOI: 10.13604/j.cnki.46-1064/r.2024.02.01